Volunteers needed
The Worcester Youth Center has an ongoing need of volunteers who can offer a variety of services to our organizations and the youth members who attend daily. We are always looking for volunteers who can add value to our programming during operational hours of 10:00am – 1:00pm and between 2:00-7:00 pm.
During the day hours (between 10:00am – 1:00pm) we operate a high school equivalency program where tutoring is the major needs.

During the afternoon hours (between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.) we implement a variety after school activities. There is a need for tutoring, financial literacy instruction, mentoring, arts programming and other areas.
Member Opportunities: WYC also seeks to support its members to complete volunteer hours required by academic or other institutions.
Non-Member Opportunities: WYC has preference for people who can volunteer over a longer period of time, for example throughout the summer or academic year. However, from time to time the Center may benefit from individuals or groups of volunteers to accomplish a very specific tasks for examples improvements to the space, staffing events, proof reading or translating documents, or recruiting people to support WYC. All ideas are welcomed and will be reviewed.
Because we receive numerous requests to volunteers regularly we ask that you complete an application so that we can discover more about you an if your intentions are match.
Click on link below for a Volunteer Application:
WYC_Volunteer Application
Please complete the volunteer application, and email it to hr@worcesteryouthcenter.org or mail to Human Resources, 326 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA 01602. If selected you will be invited to meet with the staff for further discussion. We apologize in advance, however, due to the volume of interested volunteers, your application may not receive an immediate response.